Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Whoa! I'm still here...

Nine days without a post, bad new right? Wrong! I have slowed down my pace on the engine ever so slightly (though I'm sure you won't notice :) due to financial problems. But fear not I have made lots of progress. I have taken on some of the lighter parts of the engine such as physics and sound. I'm glad I did because getting all the systems communicating soon revealed some design flaws. Here are some of the updates I have made.

Physics: Video.
vehicles now consist of general physical entities
vehicles, have engine/transmission simulation/sound effects
general entities have an associated "collide" sound effect

Renderer: Video (I fixed the jitter.)
Camera now has a chase feature to chase any moveable
3d textures/height map Video.

Sound: Video w/sound.
As noted above, mostly used by physics.
Implemented with openAL

3D Textures:
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Chunked LOD:

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