Monday, May 28, 2007

Game Engine Update

Last night I stayed up till 7 in the morning working on my game engine. My goal is typically to add one feature a day, but something was driving me last night.

I added saving of the scene to XML, bounding spheres to each model, a method for resizing them, and lastly I implemented a method for calculating the scene luminance.

I tried for a long time to use luminance textures as a ColorTarget in a FBO (frame buffer object). But could not get a working combination supported by my card. I ultimately decided to use RGB textures and calculate the luminance value in shader.

Another problem I ran into was not being able to render to any FBO color target less than 12x12 pixels. So I had to use glReadPixels on a 12x12 block and average these on the CPU.

The updated feature list can be found to the right.

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